
How to Enable SSH on Ubuntu 20.04

SSH is ordinarily known as a security protocol. Its operationality is to ensure the security of the connection through encryption. Most of the time, you will find its functionality for securing the connection among a client and the host server. This secure shell is accompanied by few network protocols and other essential utilities in its principal repository. After enabling the SSH on your operating server, you can relish the opportunity of remote access to your network security. That also encompasses the remote access for the user login to establish a connection between the client and the central server. One of its prominent attributes is to allow the transfer of files securely between the two servers through remote administrative functions. This guide shares the relative steps to enable the SSH protocol on your ubuntu 20.04 to access its various encrypted features that enhance server security. By following these steps, you will become capable of effortlessly infusing commands in your system to enable SHH.


The only requisite for the enabling function is to ensure that your system has SSH installed in it. If not, you can first install it through the sudo command and then enable it.

Process for Enabling SSH

You can successfully enable and run the SSH protocol on your server by undergoing these four primary steps. These steps can assist you in effectively utilizing the network protocol of SSH on ubuntu 20.04.

  • Step 1 is the installation of SSH
  • Step 2 is enabling SHH
  • Step 3 is checking the status
  • Step 4 is connecting with firewall port

Installation of SSH

For installing, just run two additional commands for updating and up-gradation and then run the third sudo command to install the SSH on your server finally. The commands are as follows;

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt upgrade

$ sudo apt install openssh-server

You can also use install shh instead of openssh in the command as both will allow you to download the open package of SHH protocol. Type your password and continue the installation.

Enabling SSH

Now simply enable the network protocol in your operating system with the help of the following command;

$ sudo systemctl enable --now ssh

That’s all, and you have enabled the protocol for encrypted network on your system successfully.

Check Status

Now simply check the status of your protocol. Checking status also involves the command for stopping, reloading, and restarting the protocol. Use the following controls if you want to check the status.

$ systemctl status ssh.service

You can modify the status checking if you replace the status with other commands encompassing the reload, restart, and stop commands.

Connect with Firewall Port

It’s recommended connecting the server with port 22 if your firewall is active, also ensure that you are logged in the server of the protocol with the root user.


The steps, as mentioned above, can assure the security of your connected network. Also, you can get leverage from the attributes of the protocol. Just remember that for connecting to the server via SSH, you’ll need to use your user name and your system’s IP.

About the author

Younis Said

Younis Said

I am a freelancing software project developer, a software engineering graduate and a content writer. I love working with Linux and open-source software.